Herbal Tea Blends – make your own herbal tea

In: Herbal Remedies Herba Organica On: Posted By: Isabella Olivia Comment: 0 Hit: 4860

Thanks to their common availability and trends of living in a more eco-friendly way, herbal teas are becoming more popular. To get as many benefits from these natural products as you can, you should find your supplier of homogenous herbs whose quality is easy to check. They can give you more opportunities than ready-to-drink herbal mixes. At Herba Organica shop you can find a great selection of herbs, leaves, roots, bark, flowers, and many more: perfect for creating your new favourite tea.

Many herbs, in addition to their beneficial properties, also have an amazing taste, which allows you to create your own unique blend of herbal teas. Just find your favorite herbal flavors and mix them with the base herb that suits yours needs to enjoy the infusion even more than before. Finally, compose herbal ingredients that will give your mixture the right flavor and aromatic properties.

Your own herbal blend should have certain proportions. Some people recommend that herbs should be combined with individual herbs in equal proportions, e.g. 50 grams of each herb you choose. Others suggest choosing a base that will consist of 2-3 herbs with the most desired effect.

However, when you first try to create your own herbal compositions, it is worth relying on a few simple and proven ingredients. The additives in the mixtures are aromatic fruits and flowers, which enrich the taste and aroma of the infusion but also add vitamins and other valuable ingredients.

Here you can find some suggestions of mix recipes that you can choose from and use depending on your needs.

Blend # 1 – Lavender Flower, Chamomile Flower, and Damiana Leaf – relaxing

The infusion made with this herbal blend can help fight migraines, all kinds of pain, insomnia, anxiety, and aid with relaxation. Mix them in proportions 1:1:1.

Lavender has valuable properties - in addition to its characteristic pleasant smell, it contributes to the overall relaxation of the soul and body. 

Chamomile Flower helps in reducing anxiety and insomnia. You can definitely add chamomile to other blends as well, as it is a neutral base for a variety of herbal recipes.

Damiana Leaf might help reduce anxiety and insomnia and help to calm the mind. Admittedly, it has a bitter taste but mixed with Chamomile and Lavender, it is a fantastic combination.

Blend # 2 - Lemon Balm, Hawthorn Flower, Nettle Leaf, Rosehip Peel – energizing

This herbal blend might help fight a feeling of fatigue or weariness from too much work, study, or chronic stress. Use Lemon Balm Leaf as a base (1/3 of a blend) and add the rest of the ingredients in similar proportions. 

Lemon Balm Leaf is recommended in states of chronic fatigue; it is also said to soothe headaches and improve concentration.

Hawthorn Flower is a component of many preparations, but mainly cardiac-related. It improves the blood supply to the heart muscle, increases blood flow, and improves its tolerance to oxygen deficiency.

Stinging Nettle Leaf has nourishing and cleansing properties. It regulates metabolism and provides energy. Nettle is a source of iron. It improves the amount of haemoglobin in the blood, thanks to which the tissues are better oxygenated.

Rosehip Peel has a strengthening effect; it contains a lot of vitamin C, which has a positive effect on immunity. Rose hips are recommended in states of general weakness and fatigue.

Blend # 3 Rock Rose, Common Walnut Leaf, Stinging Nettle Leaf, Common Birch LeafGoldenrod Herb – slimming and detoxing

This herbal blend is perfect for people who want to lose weight naturally and healthily. The mixture contains herbs detoxifying and influencing the metabolism. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and supports weight loss. Blend in the same proportions.

Rock Rose has antioxidant properties and neutralizes free radicals. Polyphenols contained in it also inhibit the formation of inflammation, have strengthening properties, and have an energizing effect on the body.

Common Walnut Leaf neutralizes and removes unnecessary metabolic products from the body, cleansing the body of toxins and thus supporting the weight loss process.

Stinging Nettle Leaf has a diuretic effect and facilitates the excretion of urea and other waste products. In addition, it facilitates digestion and assimilation of nutrients from food, it has a rich set of vitamins and minerals.

Common Birch Leaf has cleansing properties as well. It has a diuretic effect, i.e. increases the urine secretion, along with harmful metabolic products.

Goldenrod Herb detoxifies - it has the ability to bind and remove toxins from the body. It supports the process of weight loss, improves digestion, cleanses the body of toxins, and helps to get rid of excess water from the body.

Blend #4 Additional tea blending ideas

Want to try some more flavours? Simply blend your favourite tea with some herbal accents:

Chamomile Flower and green tea

Linden Flowers and green tea

Rose Petals and black tea

Lavender Flower and black tea

Licorice Root and black tea

Herbs are giving us a lot of opportunities of composing tea that is beneficial for our health and mood. If you decide to start a journey with creating your own herbal blends, you will see that soon you’ll be looking forward to each new cup of tea with a unique taste and fragrance. Check the Herba Organica offer to find the best quality products for your special infusion.


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